Tuesday, February 20, 2018

GLEN WAVERLEY - Week 68 - February 13, 2018

Happy Valentines Day My Loves,
I bought my Valentine (Sister Chen) flowers today, so it has been a good day! lol

This week has been a good one! (haha I think I start every week saying that) We are finishing up yet another transfer in a few days, which is just crazy to me. Time is flying and it is starting to freak me out!!

This is Sister Chen's last week and I don't know what I am going to do without her. It has been so fun serving with her for the past 12 weeks and she has helped me heaps. Sister Chen is such a great example to me of working hard and finishing strong. It may be her last week, but she has the fire and passion for missionary work that new missionaries have. She is incredible, and I am so blessed.

We haven't been able to meet with many investos this week because they are all busy with (or back in China for) the Chinese New Year. BUT we were able to meet 2 cute new investos, which was a miracle! They are both pretty keen to learn more and I am excited to keep meeting with them.

We have been able to do service for a couple members and less actives this week which is always great. I love getting to know people better through serving them. There is no better way to be happy and feel God's love than through serving those around us. (straight from Mosiah 2:17) This week we have done some weeding/yard work, went to the store to buy cat food for someone who is too old/sick to go herself, sitting with and talking to a member who is lonely, and everything in-between.

I also had exchanges with my buddy and best mate Sister Cahoon!! It was so fun to spend the day together and work with her again. She has been by my side since day one of my mission and I am so blessed that we have been able to go through this crazy adventure together. I am forever grateful for her and how much she has helped me the past 16 months! <3  It was so great to talk to Cahoon, as we have been going through the same feelings and emotions about being so close to the end of our missions. 

I love being a missionary and more importantly, I love my Saviour Jesus Christ.

Also, our washing machine flooded our laundry room and the carpet in our hall way this week.. :( what is even worse is that it happened not once, but twice in one day. 
one washer + 4 girls = a mess.  
But hey, at least I am learning something new everyday, right?

well that is about it.
thanks for the love and support. 
love you all!!!
go out and spread the love <3

Sister Johnson

Cute red lipstick on 

Bright pink lipstick on Sister Brotherson and two cute sister missionaries

Yummy ice cream on a hot summer day

Dinkum is a common phrase in Australia <3

Elder Lesa up in the - crazy Samoan

Recent convert Mio

Flooded the laundry room

Saying Goodbye to Elder Ching - first District Leader

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